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My Summer Book List

I like to think that I'm going to get so much reading done during the summer months, but each September that rolls around reminds me that I don't. I feel a bit opposite of the rest of the reading world that seems to finish loads upon loads of amazing books during the summer break. However I do think I've come to terms with the fact that we just don't have as much structure during these months, and structure is really what allows me more time to read. Our summer is always filled with later mornings, later evenings outside while the sun is still out, more time away from home, and lots of activities! That said, I still managed to read a few really great books that I'm eager to share with you!

Inheritance--by Dani Shapiro

While I was intrigued enough to finish this one, it was a slower read for me. In this memoir the author finds out startling news from one of the ever popular DNA home kits. It proposes the question, what really defines us, and wrestles with the meaning of parenthood and family.

The Mother-in-Law--by Sally Hepworth

This was a quick and delightful summer read! Full of family secrets and engaging characters, this book tells the at times painfully uncomfortable story of the relationship between Lucy and her mother-in-law, Diana. The mystery in this story kept me guessing until the very end.

Crazy Rich Asians--by Kevin Kwan

This one was so fun! The epitome of a beach read, it's light-hearted and funny and so entertaining. It's the story of a gal preparing to spend the summer in Singapore with her boyfriend and finally meet his family, who turns out to be nothing like she ever imagined. If you're looking for a mindless read that will make you laugh, pick this one up!

The Flatshare--by Beth O'Leary

This is another great light summer read! It's the most adorable romantic story about two characters that start a relationship based solely on post-it notes they leave for each other around the flat they share. The hitch? They've never met. It's so cute!

Unbroken--by Laura Hillenbrand

I'm well aware that I may be the last person to read this amazing book, but wow. The resilience of the book's main character, Louis Zamperini is something to be admired and celebrated. I think it should be required reading for all students at some point. I know it will be for mine!

My introversion is something I've always felt self-conscious about. It's been easy at times to feel like my personality is flawed because I'm introverted. But guess what fellow introverted friends...I think acceptance of being an introvert is on the rise, and I'm going to own it proudly! I've grown a lot in this area, however many days being a mom maxes out all of my senses and it can be a real struggle. Jamie takes the weight of being overwhelmed and feeling guilty off of you and shows you how the strengths of your personality are vital to your family. This was a quick read and so encouraging!

We Were the Lucky Ones--by Georgia Hunter

This was by far my favorite read of the summer! This story follows one Jewish family through World War II as they are separated, forced into exile, and constantly fleeing death. The family's will to survive is beyond anything I could ever imagine and is painted so beautifully in this book. It is powerful and moving and an absolute page turner. If you put any book at the top of your reading stack for this fall, this should be it!

The Martian--by Andy Weir

I watched this movie when it came out in 2015 and loved it! A friend of mine told me how awesome the book was so I decided to give it a try, and he was right! I do believe I would have enjoyed the book more had I not known the full outcome already, but the writing is excellent and it's just such a fun story. If you're looking for something entertaining, this is a great one!

The Gifted School--by Bruce Holsinger

This one has had so much buzz surrounding it. It's got a Big Little Lies feel for sure, making it a super entertaining and fun book to get lost in. I found myself extra intrigued in light of the whole college admissions scandal over the past few months. It really makes you question these prestigious schools and the lengths people go to in order to attend. This is totally worth a read!

Along with the books I read for pleasure this summer, we read aloud two books as a family as well. If you're trying to figure out a good time for reading aloud in your family, let me share what works in our family. My kids absolutely love when I read during a meal. This isn't difficult in our family because our kids are the slowest eaters on the planet. Aaron and I finish our food in a normal time and the kids are only about two bites in, so I pick up our book and read a chapter or two! It's great because it's not taking time out of their free play or adding another thing to our day.

The Secret Garden--by Frances Hodgson Burnett

I remember really enjoying this one as a kid, but I'm not sure any of us really cared much for it. The story itself is somewhat engaging, but the language is a bit difficult (especially to read aloud!) and it just didn't keep our interest like I thought it would. Either way it's one of those stories that can really spark your imagination if you let it so it seems worth a read for your child on their own once they are a little older.

Strawberry Girl--by Lois Lenski

This was one of the most precious books we've read so far! If you like The Little House on the Prairie series, you will love this as well. The story is about a young girl and her family in Florida who raise strawberries for a living. They have to fight against weather, fires, livestock, and their ornery neighbors. There were so many good moral lessons and it was just the best story!

And that's what we read this summer! I'm ready for the weather to cool down a bit as I jump into my huge stack of books to read this fall. Currently on my list:

The Need--by Helen Phillips

The Lager Queen of Minnesota--by Ryan Stradal

A Nearly Normal Family--by M.T. Edvardsson

Ask Again, Yes--by Mary Beth Keane

Maybe You Should Talk to Someone--by Lori Gottlieb

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